Hi you. Welcome on the Official Website of Tokio Hotel: Alien's Discography ! 
Thanks for coming, I hope you'll have fun.

Alien's Discography is a French fanpage and website, dedicated to.... the EN-TI-RE discography of Tokio Hotel. Yup. Entire. 

Why Am I insisting on this point ?
Because so many Aliens believe that Tokio Hotel's complete discography is composed of 7 Albums, 5 DVDs, a few singles and that's it. Yeah, no need to do a HUGE website huh?
And what if you looked inside a little more?

What if I told you that we can count up to 85 different Humanoid Albums ?
What if I told you that there are almost the same number of Promotional CDs ?
Pretty intriging, I know !
Here, you can discover more, and don't worry; international Aliens, from every country from all over the world... are more than well welcomed ! 

But what's going on there ? Follow this little Guide (translated with the help of awesome Aliens into German, Portuguese, Italian), to make sure you fully understand what is it all about ;)

But first, let's learn the basics:
- Second rule : Be happy. 'Just kidding, but yeah, do be happy.

Anyway: Ideally, this website is a sort of "Guide-Catalog" about every single CD of your favorite band. (Remember when I said EN-TI-RE?). There are of course all the informations needed regarding the official discography of the group, but so much more ....

Ready? Choose your language !

There's not your language ? Contact me and I'll try to add it as soon as possible.